The Object Oriented Programming ERA is a never ending story. New platforms are being created every day. Older platforms are considered outdated, but we see them struggling for supremacy over newer and innovative ones. When Java formerly known as OAK technology joined the OOP party in the 90's, its aim was to support consumer electronics such as remote control, PDA's etc. But unfortunately, Sun microsystems lost's the bid for the consumer electronics project, which was the motive behind java. Yet, the JAVA technology quickly moved into the internet platform, seeing that java is promising in the internet era gave birth to the Java applets (an application that can run within a web browser). Java became the talk of the development industry, little did we know that some people somewhere in Redmond street are planning to revolutionise the way we write software using OOP.
The promises that Java made
Java promised to be the platform indepent OOP that will run on any operating system, mobile phones, wrist watches etc. This promise was meet with the different types of JRE (Java Runtime) that handles the native interpretation's of the Java's Bytecode into the native language. Java did not stop there but made its way through to the enterprise and server-side programming language. When J2EE was firnally introduced into the enterprise market, java became the popular platform amongst industries. Although java's cross platform features suffers performance problems over native languages because the JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ) had to be responsible for the lower level work that would have been done by the OS if it were to be a native language like C. But JAVA loyalist did not relent on the bitter side of the java technology, they concentrate more on the better side, which have seen java as the champion from inception.
But java seems to be losing out, because C# as an Object oriented Programming language is moving as fast as possible to solve the problems of software development using OOP. Still both JAVA and C# are learning from one and other.
And there was .NET
Java solves the problem of multiple platforms, but not that of multiple languages. In this our industry that is full of several programming languages, standards and patterns. There is no silver bullet that will unify these platforms. People writing java should be able to exchange components with people writing c#. These components should interoperate without any native tweaks or call.
Microsoft understands these trouble's very well, and that is why the .NET approach is to unify programming languages that targets the .NET platform. Now at last we can all invest in any kind of languages while we still use our older systems because they integrate very well with the newer ones.
But did .NET solve the problem?
.NET is not really platform independent, because .NEt was built for the windows operating systems. But there is a MONO >> project concentrating on making .NET runtime on the Linux, Solaris, Mac OS and even windows operating system. The news is Mono sponsored by Novell is an open source project and it is based on ECMA/ISO standards, the same standard for C#.
Bringing all platforms together
Time as come for us all to stop tying our developments efforts with platforms and or runtimes, time has come for us to stop using the re-inventing the wheel approach, because we can all leverage our existing systems even if we are to move from one platform to the other.
IS Mono the answer?
Mono can run .net languages as well as java, phython, Boo, PHP, javascript and many more . This is the long awaited universe for the software development community. A unified approach that targets different platforms and natives. Can you imagine yourselves speaking french without learning french, thats the MONO approach. We have waited so long for some thing to bring us all together, and here MONO presents itself as an opportunity.
MONO is not really the answer. I my experience of software developments and use of various technologies to solve problems, the real problem we are facing is complexity. I am very sure there is some kinds of complexity behind the use of MONO. What about learning curve, should we throw away our over the years experience in other platforms for another platform. Do we really need an interpreter for all languages? Do we need a language converter instead?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
How to implement a generic WCF message interceptor:
In a changing business environment and business processes; changes affects not only the entire work force, cooperate partners, the way businesses are done and of course our tools that makes our work life better. We are left with the choice of ensuring that our legacy or existing system inter-operate well into our new ways of life and they deliver the expected result that yields expected ROI. Because for today's business to survive, we need to carry along with us our efforts of yesterday, we need to have decoupling in mind when we are integrating services for a wider business sector. These were the thoughts in Microsoft when it first launched the framework (WCF) that shook the whole distributed computing industry.
Windows Communication Foundation is a Microsoft initiative of building Service Oriented Applications that leverages yesterdays and todays technologies, in fact it complements existing distributed technologies. The WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) infrastructure is built into .NET 3.0/3.5 and can be leveraged for different kinds of communication types/endpoint, that ranges from Message Queue, TCP communication, standard webservices, service based webservices. The most commonly used approach is the Service based where you can host it as .asmx or .svc.
In a typical WCF implementation, we have the following :
Message Oriented Concept In WCF
I mentioned above that the service contract defines operations that are used to send request and response messages over the transport layer defined by the service endpoint. In a simple client/server architecture, messages can be coupled between sending interface and the receiving end. That is there is a stub and skeleton relationship between the service and the consumers. Although, there is noting wrong in the stub and skeleton approach, that is a client\consumer keeps a stub or proxy of the services that it can talk to. This means when a service changes the client is regenerated using svcutil.exe tool for re-generation of the service stubs.
In an ever changing world of buisiness, we need to build services with simplycity in mind, conformance to changes. How do we allow a generic communication between our service and the rest of the world. Thinking about generic-ability of our services, we need to create an interceptor service that sits in between our clients and services, although the contract binding will be between our client and service, but the address binding will be between our client and the interceptor.
Having understood the basics of the WCF fundamentals, we need to now understand how to pass messages in a generic context.
The Interceptor Pattern
This pattern came into mind when i fell deeply into a WCF scenario that requires changing of service messages or re-delegating a service request to other service other than the requested one. Also you can use this pattern to achieve load-balancing amongst services.
One of the reason's why you might want to use an interceptor pattern is the following :
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IRequestDispatcher
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message ProcessMessage(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message message);
Note the ProcessMessage operation in our IRequestDispatcher contract, this operation accepts and return a Message from the System.ServiceModel.Channels namespaces and it is the only operation that we need to generically or intercept message calls from client and server.
You will also note that the ProcessMessage method is decorated with [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]. This is to tell our service that our method (ProcessMessage) can process any operation call from different client, by marking it Action = "*" and ReplyAction = "*" . This is the basic of our interceptor strategy.
The Big Picture
Lets have a simple picture of what we want to achieve. We have two WCF services one accepts a string and returns a string, the other accepts an object and returns a string. This services are our back office operations that is open to services that are within our domain. Assuming we want to expose this services to the entire world, we will end up exposing two services. So, if any of the services changes, that means the entire world will have to change with it, this is quite burden some. So, instead of exposing the two services, we have to expose only one service that is generic to all other services, and this service communicates in REST - FUL manner (pure XML and no soap messaging).
Lets define the big picture of
Windows Communication Foundation is a Microsoft initiative of building Service Oriented Applications that leverages yesterdays and todays technologies, in fact it complements existing distributed technologies. The WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) infrastructure is built into .NET 3.0/3.5 and can be leveraged for different kinds of communication types/endpoint, that ranges from Message Queue, TCP communication, standard webservices, service based webservices. The most commonly used approach is the Service based where you can host it as .asmx or .svc.
In a typical WCF implementation, we have the following :
- Datacontract. Represents the data that will be wired from one endpoint to the other. Any CLR compliant type marked as datacontract can be serialized and wired over the communication protocol.
- Message Contract : Think of messages as envelopes, that wraps up our data/data contracts over the wire. Our message have a body and header section. It is analogous to SOAP envelope, in-fact it is converted to a SOAP envelope when the message serialization begins at runtime.
- Service Contract : Here is the interface that is marked [ServiceContract] which can be called remotely by clients of the service. In our service, we will implement this interface and provide business functionalities that clients will consume and call remotely. Services can expose one - To - Many endpoints (Listener point), and more than one service operations can be exposed by an endpoint.
- Service Endpoint : Think of an endpoint as message gateways for services that are hosted. A service can be configured to listen for request in different endpoints. A service Endpoint has an Address, a Binding, and a Contract.
- An address that describes the location where messages can be sent.
- A Binding specifies the type of communication that an endpoint can make using protocols such as HTTP, TCP, MSMQ and security requirements such as SSL, WS-Security etc.
- Contract : The binding contract are sets of messages that defines sets of operations that can be accessed by the service clients.
Message Oriented Concept In WCF
I mentioned above that the service contract defines operations that are used to send request and response messages over the transport layer defined by the service endpoint. In a simple client/server architecture, messages can be coupled between sending interface and the receiving end. That is there is a stub and skeleton relationship between the service and the consumers. Although, there is noting wrong in the stub and skeleton approach, that is a client\consumer keeps a stub or proxy of the services that it can talk to. This means when a service changes the client is regenerated using svcutil.exe tool for re-generation of the service stubs.
In an ever changing world of buisiness, we need to build services with simplycity in mind, conformance to changes. How do we allow a generic communication between our service and the rest of the world. Thinking about generic-ability of our services, we need to create an interceptor service that sits in between our clients and services, although the contract binding will be between our client and service, but the address binding will be between our client and the interceptor.
Having understood the basics of the WCF fundamentals, we need to now understand how to pass messages in a generic context.
The Interceptor Pattern
This pattern came into mind when i fell deeply into a WCF scenario that requires changing of service messages or re-delegating a service request to other service other than the requested one. Also you can use this pattern to achieve load-balancing amongst services.
One of the reason's why you might want to use an interceptor pattern is the following :
- Expose a single entry to the entire world with the interceptor/facade.
- Do load - balancing with the interceptor.
- Expose a REST (Representational State Transfer) to the world while your back - end service supports WCF semantics, so you need an interceptor to bridge the gap between the pure xml and soap messages required by the WCF services.
- Manipulating/ validation on the facade/interceptor end before delegating to the actual service.
- A form of clean architecture design pattern
- Securability as single entry is used as the entry point. Security is focused on that single entry instead of all
- etc
[ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Allowed)]
public interface IRequestDispatcher
[OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]
System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message ProcessMessage(System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message message);
Note the ProcessMessage operation in our IRequestDispatcher contract, this operation accepts and return a Message from the System.ServiceModel.Channels namespaces and it is the only operation that we need to generically or intercept message calls from client and server.
You will also note that the ProcessMessage method is decorated with [OperationContract(IsOneWay = false, Action = "*", ReplyAction = "*")]. This is to tell our service that our method (ProcessMessage) can process any operation call from different client, by marking it Action = "*" and ReplyAction = "*" . This is the basic of our interceptor strategy.
The Big Picture
Lets have a simple picture of what we want to achieve. We have two WCF services one accepts a string and returns a string, the other accepts an object and returns a string. This services are our back office operations that is open to services that are within our domain. Assuming we want to expose this services to the entire world, we will end up exposing two services. So, if any of the services changes, that means the entire world will have to change with it, this is quite burden some. So, instead of exposing the two services, we have to expose only one service that is generic to all other services, and this service communicates in REST - FUL manner (pure XML and no soap messaging).
Lets define the big picture of
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Asynchronous State Machine Pattern. (The C# Way)
Experienced Software developers/programmers and architects enjoys separation of concern approach when building reusable components using the domain engineering practice.
We all understand that as part of separating application concerns, we need to ensure that our applications are purely decoupled away from dependencies and we need to ensure we properly inject those dependencies without coupling.
As we mature in decoupling our applications and components, we also must understand that, as part of dependency injection, we need to understand the underlying theories behind the publisher and subscriber pattern (Popularly known as fire and forget). Experience have shown that writing application without decoupling in mind is a way of creating problems for the nearer future, this approach is referred to conventional based application engineering. Most developers win and rush to market by launching an application that is very difficult to debug, an application that is overly designed , an application that is very tightly coupled and does not give room to changing and demanding business cases.
We can imagine two processes that handles heavy jobs (like handling about 50,000 calls in a day) coded in a more tightly coupled manner, these processes, by all standards, can handle their concerns differently without one waiting for the other to finish executing. In a service oriented architecture, where business processes are shipped/designed as web services/windows services, we need to carefully understand when to use an asynchronous call and a synchronous call, because of the load involved in processing a request.
Scenario 1
Let us all look at this simple analogy: We have a Business Process Services that handles our business processes like our internal/ and external business concerns. Our business process services comprises of the following functionality :
The architecture digram above, shows that our business process handles several business functionalities, so it wont be wise to do a synchronous call on our business service's. One of the scenario that we may need to use the separation of concern strategy i have been talking about is when we happen to be in the following scenario :
The daily processor runs.
The status functionality Begins.
The payment is calculated.
Notification is sent. (Based on status).
At the end of each business cycle processing, i mean, our business logic processing, the end task is to send a notification (email). If we have more than 40, 000 status checks, which in turn leads to thousands of business criteria to meet. I mean if we call the method in our service (CheckStatus()) 40, 000 times, a single call will invoke several operations, several operations will launch other legacy stuffs, other legacy stuffs will have their own custom built operations as well, we can see that for a single operations, the load on the Business service is very high, what about for 40, 000 operations. As we must remember, the process calling our business service is also tide with our service until the notifications is sent.
It would be very nice to tell our business process that a customer needs status checks, and thats all, we do not need to wait for our business process to tell us yes or no. All we are satisfied with is that we handled the call to business process. Then asynchronously, our business process will handle all the dirty work without locking its caller. So we now understand where to use asynchronous communication, let us diggit with code :
First of all we need to create the event argument that is raised when a status has been meet. Note* i wont be writing full code here, as readers are assumed to be an experienced developer.
public class StatuChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
CustomerState CustomerState{get; set;}
public StatuChangeEventArgs(Customer customer){ //Initialize here. }
public enum CustomerState
Stateless = 0,
CreditCardDetailsExpired = 100,
PaymentNotice = 200,
PaymentFailure = 300,
CanCalculateFirstPayment = 600,
PaymentChangeNotified = 1000,
DefaultState = Stateless,
The code above is the kinds of state that our customer can fall into, in our scenario. No let us see the State engine implementation : First how to we fire an event to our state handlers that need to consume the events and do other processing based on these event/state that was raised. We need a delegate at first :
public delegate void CustomerStateUpdate(object source, StatusChangeEventArgs eventArgs);
Now we have successfully defined our delegate that serve as the template of our event handler. Remember, we are handling different customer state asynchronously, that is, the application or service that send us the customer object will not know about our processing and it wont wait for results.
Now we need to implement the state Publisher, that is the class that scan a customer object, fire the CustomerStateChangeEvent, and also registers interested subscribers to the state event. Here is a simple structure :
public class CustomerStatePublisher
public event CustomerStateUpdate CustomerStateEvent;
StatuChangeEventArgs eventArgs;
Customer customer;
public CustomerStatePublisher(Customer customer, StatusChangeEventArgs eventArgs)
this.eventArgs = eventArgs;
this.customer = customer;
public void AddSubscriber(CustomerStateUpdate subscriber)
CustomerStateEvent += subscriber;
public void RemoveSubscriber(CustomerStateUpdate subscriber)
CustomerStateEvent -= subscriber;
public void OnCustomerStateChanged(CustomerState customerState)
//We are not processing stateless customer
if (customerState == CustomerState.Stateless)
if (null != CustomerStateEvent)
eventArgs.CustomerState = customerState;
//CustomerStateEvent(this.customer, eventArgs);
Delegate[] customerStateHandlers = CustomerStateEvent.GetInvocationList();
foreach (Delegate handler in subscriptionStateHandlers)
CustomerStateUpdate eventHandler = (CustomerStateUpdate)handler;
eventHandler.BeginInvoke(this, eventArgs, new AsyncCallback(AsyncReturn), eventHandler);
private void AsyncReturn(IAsyncResult result)
CustomerStateUpdate eventHandler =
public void ProcessCustomerState()
public void RaiseStateChangedEvent(CustomerState customerState)
if (customerState != customerState.Stateless)
The class structure above is very simple to understand, so i will just point out where the asynchronous functionality is our code. The OnCustomerStateChanged method of this class calls all the registered subscriber to this event asynchronously, by getting the invocation list from the CustomerStateEvent (CustomerStateEvent.GetInvocationList();) iterating through it and call the BeginInvoke asynchronously, at this point, in our real world implementation of this, we should just detach from our caller service, and allow the asynchronously operations to run.
Now, since we have fully defined our CustomerStatePublisher class, we need to fully understand how we are going to register subscribers, and how we will begin, processing of our asynchronous state machine. The following code describe how we will register a subscriber to the CustomerStatePublisher, and how we will begin state processing :
//Create an instance of the Customer StateChangeEvent
CustomerChangeEventArgs eventArgs = new CustomerChangeEventArgs();
//Create an instance of the customer state publisher
CustomerStatePublisher publisher = new CustomerStatePublisher(customer, eventArgs);
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CalculateFirstPayment));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.PendingPaymentChanged));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CreatePendingPayment));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.TrialWillExpireNotification));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CreditCardExpiryNotification));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.FreeServiceNotice));
The rest of the code is to define the subscribers, that is the StateHandlers that handles the state based on the state it can handle. A simple example is an implementation of one of the state handler.
public void CustomerCreditCardExpire(object source, CustomerChangeEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.CustomerState != CustomerState.CreditCardDetailsExpired)
//Execute statebased functionality here.
Having done the following, when control hits the publisher.ProcessState(); method, the whole state processing begins and a befitted state handler is found, the publisher now delegate the handler to handle the state. I would require more suggestions from you all. Thanks.
We all understand that as part of separating application concerns, we need to ensure that our applications are purely decoupled away from dependencies and we need to ensure we properly inject those dependencies without coupling.
As we mature in decoupling our applications and components, we also must understand that, as part of dependency injection, we need to understand the underlying theories behind the publisher and subscriber pattern (Popularly known as fire and forget). Experience have shown that writing application without decoupling in mind is a way of creating problems for the nearer future, this approach is referred to conventional based application engineering. Most developers win and rush to market by launching an application that is very difficult to debug, an application that is overly designed , an application that is very tightly coupled and does not give room to changing and demanding business cases.
We can imagine two processes that handles heavy jobs (like handling about 50,000 calls in a day) coded in a more tightly coupled manner, these processes, by all standards, can handle their concerns differently without one waiting for the other to finish executing. In a service oriented architecture, where business processes are shipped/designed as web services/windows services, we need to carefully understand when to use an asynchronous call and a synchronous call, because of the load involved in processing a request.
Scenario 1
Let us all look at this simple analogy: We have a Business Process Services that handles our business processes like our internal/ and external business concerns. Our business process services comprises of the following functionality :
- Register new customer
- Register with payment gateway
- Send notifications
- make periodical payment
- Calculate due payment
- Daily status monitoring.

The daily processor runs.
The status functionality Begins.
The payment is calculated.
Notification is sent. (Based on status).
At the end of each business cycle processing, i mean, our business logic processing, the end task is to send a notification (email). If we have more than 40, 000 status checks, which in turn leads to thousands of business criteria to meet. I mean if we call the method in our service (CheckStatus()) 40, 000 times, a single call will invoke several operations, several operations will launch other legacy stuffs, other legacy stuffs will have their own custom built operations as well, we can see that for a single operations, the load on the Business service is very high, what about for 40, 000 operations. As we must remember, the process calling our business service is also tide with our service until the notifications is sent.
It would be very nice to tell our business process that a customer needs status checks, and thats all, we do not need to wait for our business process to tell us yes or no. All we are satisfied with is that we handled the call to business process. Then asynchronously, our business process will handle all the dirty work without locking its caller. So we now understand where to use asynchronous communication, let us diggit with code :
First of all we need to create the event argument that is raised when a status has been meet. Note* i wont be writing full code here, as readers are assumed to be an experienced developer.
public class StatuChangeEventArgs : EventArgs
CustomerState CustomerState{get; set;}
public StatuChangeEventArgs(Customer customer){ //Initialize here. }
public enum CustomerState
Stateless = 0,
CreditCardDetailsExpired = 100,
PaymentNotice = 200,
PaymentFailure = 300,
CanCalculateFirstPayment = 600,
PaymentChangeNotified = 1000,
DefaultState = Stateless,
The code above is the kinds of state that our customer can fall into, in our scenario. No let us see the State engine implementation : First how to we fire an event to our state handlers that need to consume the events and do other processing based on these event/state that was raised. We need a delegate at first :
public delegate void CustomerStateUpdate(object source, StatusChangeEventArgs eventArgs);
Now we have successfully defined our delegate that serve as the template of our event handler. Remember, we are handling different customer state asynchronously, that is, the application or service that send us the customer object will not know about our processing and it wont wait for results.
Now we need to implement the state Publisher, that is the class that scan a customer object, fire the CustomerStateChangeEvent, and also registers interested subscribers to the state event. Here is a simple structure :
public class CustomerStatePublisher
public event CustomerStateUpdate CustomerStateEvent;
StatuChangeEventArgs eventArgs;
Customer customer;
public CustomerStatePublisher(Customer customer, StatusChangeEventArgs eventArgs)
this.eventArgs = eventArgs;
this.customer = customer;
public void AddSubscriber(CustomerStateUpdate subscriber)
CustomerStateEvent += subscriber;
public void RemoveSubscriber(CustomerStateUpdate subscriber)
CustomerStateEvent -= subscriber;
public void OnCustomerStateChanged(CustomerState customerState)
//We are not processing stateless customer
if (customerState == CustomerState.Stateless)
if (null != CustomerStateEvent)
eventArgs.CustomerState = customerState;
//CustomerStateEvent(this.customer, eventArgs);
Delegate[] customerStateHandlers = CustomerStateEvent.GetInvocationList();
foreach (Delegate handler in subscriptionStateHandlers)
CustomerStateUpdate eventHandler = (CustomerStateUpdate)handler;
eventHandler.BeginInvoke(this, eventArgs, new AsyncCallback(AsyncReturn), eventHandler);
private void AsyncReturn(IAsyncResult result)
CustomerStateUpdate eventHandler =
public void ProcessCustomerState()
public void RaiseStateChangedEvent(CustomerState customerState)
if (customerState != customerState.Stateless)
The class structure above is very simple to understand, so i will just point out where the asynchronous functionality is our code. The OnCustomerStateChanged method of this class calls all the registered subscriber to this event asynchronously, by getting the invocation list from the CustomerStateEvent (CustomerStateEvent.GetInvocationList();) iterating through it and call the BeginInvoke asynchronously, at this point, in our real world implementation of this, we should just detach from our caller service, and allow the asynchronously operations to run.
Now, since we have fully defined our CustomerStatePublisher class, we need to fully understand how we are going to register subscribers, and how we will begin, processing of our asynchronous state machine. The following code describe how we will register a subscriber to the CustomerStatePublisher, and how we will begin state processing :
//Create an instance of the Customer StateChangeEvent
CustomerChangeEventArgs eventArgs = new CustomerChangeEventArgs();
//Create an instance of the customer state publisher
CustomerStatePublisher publisher = new CustomerStatePublisher(customer, eventArgs);
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CalculateFirstPayment));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.PendingPaymentChanged));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CreatePendingPayment));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.TrialWillExpireNotification));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.CreditCardExpiryNotification));
publisher.AddStateObserver(new CustomerStateUpdate(StateHandler.FreeServiceNotice));
The rest of the code is to define the subscribers, that is the StateHandlers that handles the state based on the state it can handle. A simple example is an implementation of one of the state handler.
public void CustomerCreditCardExpire(object source, CustomerChangeEventArgs eventArgs)
if (eventArgs.CustomerState != CustomerState.CreditCardDetailsExpired)
//Execute statebased functionality here.
Having done the following, when control hits the publisher.ProcessState(); method, the whole state processing begins and a befitted state handler is found, the publisher now delegate the handler to handle the state. I would require more suggestions from you all. Thanks.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Introducing .NET Throwable Pattern (The Exception By Contract Class).
If you are a Java developer, do not expect that i am referring to the Java Throwable class, which is the ultimate superclass for all errors and exceptions thrown by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). I must confess that i love this name, and thats why i am sticking to it in .Net.
Most .NET application developers, architects, programmers etc understand fully well the use of the throw keyword. The throw keyword can be used to throw new exception in a catch block, it can also be used to throw the actual exception while still retaining the stack trace. I may need to explain with code :
Here is an example of the throw keyword :
1. Throw new Exception :
catch(Exception x)
throw x; or
throw new IamLovingItException("I am loving it", x);
The code above makes use of the throw keyword to throw a new exception different from the originally raised exception. This ignores the stack trace and creates a new exception to be thrown to the caller.
2. Just Throw.
catch(Exception ex)
The code above throws the same exception including the stack trace that was raised in the try ... catch block. Whatever situation you find yourself, using option one and two is good but not better, when we are dealing with a business focused application that makes use of throwing and handling of exception to communicate changes or business constraints to the caller application. An example of this will be AccountBlockedException, ZeroBalanceException, TransactionRolledBackException : There is no end to the ways we will be using custom exception handling.
A typical Scenairo. (Scenario One)
You have created a payment webservice (Lets say a WCF service) that serves as an abstraction layer over any kind of third party credit card vendors like PayPal, WorldPay, Nochex etc Our Payment webservice can be configured to use any type of payment gateway because it is very generic and open to extensibility.
Now, any thing can go wrong while processing payment or registring our card details via the Payment service abstraction layer. Lets assume we are trying to process £100 , and along the way, the real payment server shuts down, what do we do in this scenario :
Option 1: we throw the same exception that was thrown by the payment gateway
Option 2: we re-brand that exception and bake a new one from it.
Option 3: we handle that exception in our custom Payment service, and return status (As Enum), to our clients.
Think for a minute, which approach is best in our scenario. Even if the payment gateway did not throw an error, but return a status like Payment Failed to our custom Payment service, do we act upon that status and throw a new exception from there, but how do we act upon the status, the best bet may be to do :
if(paymentGateWayStatus == Status.PaymentFailed)
throw new PaymentFailedException("Failed");
else if(paymentGateWayStatus == Status.ServerShutDown)
throw new PaymentServerShutDownException("Shut Down");
There, we can go on and on until we have a very messy if statement with many throw exception block, we can even have this statements in almost all the methods implemented by our Payment service abstraction, if not all. What do we need to do in this case to reduce the amount of redundant code that we have?
I have got an excellent Idea. Why not let us create a pattern for this scenario, at least we are trying to avoid repeatability, we need to slve it with a pattern. To create a pattern, you must have been doing one thing for along time, before you realize that it is time consuming, and you would want to make it re-usable in code wide, applicatuion wide etc.
The New Throwable Pattern.
in our case, we need to create like a factory class called Throwable, this class has the abilities to check a boolean statement and decide on wether to throw an exception or not. This class can navigate through a switch statement to see which status matches the given status, and throw an exception from there. To go strat to the point, the throwable class is defined as follows :
public static class Throwable
public delegate bool Is();
private static void Throw(Exception exception)
throw exception;
public static void CauseThrow(T exception)
throw exception as Exception;
public static void ThrowWhenIsNull(object instance,string message)
if(null == instance)
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), message) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnTrue(Is anonymous, string details)
if (anonymous.Invoke())
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnTrue(bool status, string details)
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnFalse(bool status, string details)
if (!status)
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnFalse(Is anonymous, string details)
if (!anonymous.Invoke())
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrow(ResponseStatus status, string details)
switch (status)
case Status.ERROR:
Throw(new PaymentServerErrorException(details));
case Status.INVALID:
Throw(new InvalidPaymentErrorException(details));
case Status.MALFORMED:
Throw(new MalformedPaymentException(details));
case Status.NOTAUTHED:
Throw(new AuthenticationException(details));
case Status.REJECTED:
Throw(new PaymentServerErrorException(details));
The above code is our Throwable class, and we can call the Throwable in our code as the following :
Throwable.CauseThrow(new CardException("Card is not valid"));
Throwable.CauseThrowOnFalse((status == Status.AUTHENTICATED), "Not AUTH");
Throwable.ThrowWhenIsNull(creditCard,"Invalid credit card");
Throwable.CauseThrow(status, "Testing");
We can see that the Throwable approach is more cleaner and reusable across. You can contribute more to the implementation because this is just a simple prototype .
Cheers and enjoy.
Most .NET application developers, architects, programmers etc understand fully well the use of the throw keyword. The throw keyword can be used to throw new exception in a catch block, it can also be used to throw the actual exception while still retaining the stack trace. I may need to explain with code :
Here is an example of the throw keyword :
1. Throw new Exception :
catch(Exception x)
throw x; or
throw new IamLovingItException("I am loving it", x);
The code above makes use of the throw keyword to throw a new exception different from the originally raised exception. This ignores the stack trace and creates a new exception to be thrown to the caller.
2. Just Throw.
catch(Exception ex)
The code above throws the same exception including the stack trace that was raised in the try ... catch block. Whatever situation you find yourself, using option one and two is good but not better, when we are dealing with a business focused application that makes use of throwing and handling of exception to communicate changes or business constraints to the caller application. An example of this will be AccountBlockedException, ZeroBalanceException, TransactionRolledBackException : There is no end to the ways we will be using custom exception handling.
A typical Scenairo. (Scenario One)
You have created a payment webservice (Lets say a WCF service) that serves as an abstraction layer over any kind of third party credit card vendors like PayPal, WorldPay, Nochex etc Our Payment webservice can be configured to use any type of payment gateway because it is very generic and open to extensibility.
Now, any thing can go wrong while processing payment or registring our card details via the Payment service abstraction layer. Lets assume we are trying to process £100 , and along the way, the real payment server shuts down, what do we do in this scenario :
Option 1: we throw the same exception that was thrown by the payment gateway
Option 2: we re-brand that exception and bake a new one from it.
Option 3: we handle that exception in our custom Payment service, and return status (As Enum), to our clients.
Think for a minute, which approach is best in our scenario. Even if the payment gateway did not throw an error, but return a status like Payment Failed to our custom Payment service, do we act upon that status and throw a new exception from there, but how do we act upon the status, the best bet may be to do :
if(paymentGateWayStatus == Status.PaymentFailed)
throw new PaymentFailedException("Failed");
else if(paymentGateWayStatus == Status.ServerShutDown)
throw new PaymentServerShutDownException("Shut Down");
There, we can go on and on until we have a very messy if statement with many throw exception block, we can even have this statements in almost all the methods implemented by our Payment service abstraction, if not all. What do we need to do in this case to reduce the amount of redundant code that we have?
I have got an excellent Idea. Why not let us create a pattern for this scenario, at least we are trying to avoid repeatability, we need to slve it with a pattern. To create a pattern, you must have been doing one thing for along time, before you realize that it is time consuming, and you would want to make it re-usable in code wide, applicatuion wide etc.
The New Throwable Pattern.
in our case, we need to create like a factory class called Throwable, this class has the abilities to check a boolean statement and decide on wether to throw an exception or not. This class can navigate through a switch statement to see which status matches the given status, and throw an exception from there. To go strat to the point, the throwable class is defined as follows :
public static class Throwable
public delegate bool Is();
private static void Throw(Exception exception)
throw exception;
public static void CauseThrow
throw exception as Exception;
public static void ThrowWhenIsNull
if(null == instance)
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), message) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnTrue
if (anonymous.Invoke())
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnTrue
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnFalse
if (!status)
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrowOnFalse
if (!anonymous.Invoke())
throw Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T), details) as Exception;
public static void CauseThrow(ResponseStatus status, string details)
switch (status)
case Status.ERROR:
Throw(new PaymentServerErrorException(details));
case Status.INVALID:
Throw(new InvalidPaymentErrorException(details));
case Status.MALFORMED:
Throw(new MalformedPaymentException(details));
case Status.NOTAUTHED:
Throw(new AuthenticationException(details));
case Status.REJECTED:
Throw(new PaymentServerErrorException(details));
The above code is our Throwable class, and we can call the Throwable in our code as the following :
Throwable.CauseThrow(status, "Testing");
We can see that the Throwable approach is more cleaner and reusable across. You can contribute more to the implementation because this is just a simple prototype .
Cheers and enjoy.
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