Thursday, July 30, 2009

Generating PROXY from interfaces (Using Reflect Emit) : The flexible way to reduce code

Whats is a Proxy
A proxy is a class object, that acts as the original class type. Lets assume we have an interface ICustomer and we need to get implementations of this interface from different datasources (XML, flat file, soap object). Before we could assign data to the instance of this interface, we need a concrete type that implements the interface i.e XMLCustomer implements ICustomer . If what we need is to represents what is defined in the ICustomer interface, then we do not need the extra type XMLCustomer instead we will make a proxy from the interface, i can hear you say why, well, read on .....

I have been doing a lot of code reduction lately, in fact all my years as a software engineer, i have been seeking ways to make development a happy hour for myself and my peers. Tell you what, domain driven development is the future of wring software components that is fail prove, it is also the future that will bring us closer to the market place.

Interface is a very powerful programming construct which reduces dependencies between applications and components. With interface, your code is not far away from TDD (Test Driven Development) and you can test first before writing any code. So if we want to write a code that is targeted at the future, we need to focus on interface.

Much blabbing, how do i generate proxy from interface

Here, i will be revealing some powers of the Reflection.Emit namespace of the .NET framework. Using components/classes of this namespace, will allow you to programmatically examine types and creating code at runtime, what we are going to do in this section is runtime code injection and code generation.

Now back to our ICustomer interface, let us assume the class definition is as follows :

public interface ICustomer
string FirstName {get; set;}
string LastName {get; set;}

Yep, the example above is very simple, we will use this in our PROXY generation pattern. Did i just here you say where is the class that will implement this interface, nope is the answer, there is none for today because we are trying to avoid more code.

Now The PROXY Maker

We would like to do something like the following :

ICustomer customer = PROXY.CreateProxy();

yep, this is cool, we do not have an implementation class, but our proxy maker creates one for us behind the scene while examining the structure of the interface ICustomer.

public class PROXY
internal const string VIRTUAL_ASSEMBLY_NAME = "";
const string version = "";

static AssemblyName assemblyName;
static ModuleBuilder moduleBuilder;

static AssemblyBuilder assembly;
static AppDomain curAppDomain;
static IDictionary cache;

static PROXY()
assemblyName = new AssemblyName(VIRTUAL_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
assemblyName.Version = new Version(version);
curAppDomain = Thread.GetDomain();
assembly = curAppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(assemblyName, AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run);
moduleBuilder = assembly.DefineDynamicModule(VIRTUAL_ASSEMBLY_NAME);
cache = new Dictionary();

private static ModuleBuilder ModuleBuilder
get { return moduleBuilder; }

public static T CreateProxy()
if (!cache.ContainsKey(typeof(T).Name))
TypeBuilder proxy = PROXY.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(typeof(T).Name, TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public, typeof(Object), new[] { typeof(T) });
proxy = Emit(proxy);
Type type = proxy.CreateType();
cache.Add(typeof(T).Name, type);

return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return (T)Activator.CreateInstance(cache[typeof(T).Name]);

private static TypeBuilder Emit(TypeBuilder proxy)
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in typeof(T).GetProperties())
FieldBuilder field = proxy.DefineField(string.Concat("_", propertyInfo.Name), propertyInfo.PropertyType, FieldAttributes.Public);
PropertyBuilder propertyBuilder = proxy.DefineProperty(propertyInfo.Name, PropertyAttributes.HasDefault, propertyInfo.PropertyType, new[] { propertyInfo.PropertyType });

if (propertyInfo.CanWrite)
MethodBuilder setMethod = proxy.DefineMethod("set_" + propertyInfo.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, CallingConventions.HasThis, null, new[] { propertyInfo.PropertyType });
GenerateSetMethodBody(field, setMethod.GetILGenerator());

if (propertyInfo.CanRead)
MethodBuilder getMethod = proxy.DefineMethod("get_" + propertyInfo.Name, MethodAttributes.Public | MethodAttributes.Virtual, CallingConventions.HasThis, propertyInfo.PropertyType, Type.EmptyTypes);
GenerateGetMethodBody(field, getMethod.GetILGenerator());

return proxy;

private static void GenerateSetMethodBody(FieldBuilder field, ILGenerator iLGenerator)
iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Stfld, field);

private static void GenerateGetMethodBody(FieldBuilder field, ILGenerator iLGenerator)
iLGenerator.Emit(OpCodes.Ldfld, field);

Now the deed has be done. We have the proxy class above using the Reflection.Emit, to emit code at runtime for our interface properties. For each properties defined in the interface, a method body is created for it in the proxy class

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