Tuesday, March 16, 2010

They are here! April 12 2010

If you read my last post about the long awaited Rosairo , you will understand fully well, the richness of what the future hold in stock for all of us.

Come This April 12, the .NET community will experience a change in software development while leveraging the .NET 4.0 and new enhanced WWF (Windows Workflow Foundation), Advanced and Rapid WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) . This will mark the true begining of us all in the .NET Land.

In my experience with developers, catching up with technologies is very difficult because of the rate at which technologies changes in the .NET front. This might leave some developers obsolette because some have'nt tried their hands on LINQ , Extension method , anonymous type e.t.c This isnt nobodys fault but some justifications while this new futures are there. I recently interviewed a C# developer remotely about his abilities on the .NET framework, he said ! ".NET stopped bieign .NET since 3.0/3.5, he went on saying that .NET 2.0 is the best of all."

Everybody is entitled to his/her own opinion, if a new feature appeals to you, use it, if else then throw it away. Visual studio .NET IDE now allows you to switch frameworks, so you can go back to previous framework version.

Never the less, new changes are driven by Customer requirements , bug fixes , industry defined and endorsed patterns. So not to worry, because They are here already!

I cant wait no more , click here to try it out

Command architecture and dependency injection

On a recent project, we were mapping commands to user intentions, covering all aspects pertaining to the usage of the application from the p...