Friday, September 26, 2008

Unifying Object Oriented Platforms

The Object Oriented Programming ERA is a never ending story. New platforms are being created every day. Older platforms are considered outdated, but we see them struggling for supremacy over newer and innovative ones. When Java formerly known as OAK technology joined the OOP party in the 90's, its aim was to support consumer electronics such as remote control, PDA's etc. But unfortunately, Sun microsystems lost's the bid for the consumer electronics project, which was the motive behind java. Yet, the JAVA technology quickly moved into the internet platform, seeing that java is promising in the internet era gave birth to the Java applets (an application that can run within a web browser). Java became the talk of the development industry, little did we know that some people somewhere in Redmond street are planning to revolutionise the way we write software using OOP.

The promises that Java made

Java promised to be the platform indepent OOP that will run on any operating system, mobile phones, wrist watches etc. This promise was meet with the different types of JRE (Java Runtime) that handles the native interpretation's of the Java's Bytecode into the native language. Java did not stop there but made its way through to the enterprise and server-side programming language. When J2EE was firnally introduced into the enterprise market, java became the popular platform amongst industries. Although java's cross platform features suffers performance problems over native languages because the JVM ( Java Virtual Machine ) had to be responsible for the lower level work that would have been done by the OS if it were to be a native language like C. But JAVA loyalist did not relent on the bitter side of the java technology, they concentrate more on the better side, which have seen java as the champion from inception.

But java seems to be losing out, because C# as an Object oriented Programming language is moving as fast as possible to solve the problems of software development using OOP. Still both JAVA and C# are learning from one and other.

And there was .NET

Java solves the problem of multiple platforms, but not that of multiple languages. In this our industry that is full of several programming languages, standards and patterns. There is no silver bullet that will unify these platforms. People writing java should be able to exchange components with people writing c#. These components should interoperate without any native tweaks or call.

Microsoft understands these trouble's very well, and that is why the .NET approach is to unify programming languages that targets the .NET platform. Now at last we can all invest in any kind of languages while we still use our older systems because they integrate very well with the newer ones.

But did .NET solve the problem?

.NET is not really platform independent, because .NEt was built for the windows operating systems. But there is a MONO >> project concentrating on making .NET runtime on the Linux, Solaris, Mac OS and even windows operating system. The news is Mono sponsored by Novell is an open source project and it is based on ECMA/ISO standards, the same standard for C#.

Bringing all platforms together

Time as come for us all to stop tying our developments efforts with platforms and or runtimes, time has come for us to stop using the re-inventing the wheel approach, because we can all leverage our existing systems even if we are to move from one platform to the other.

IS Mono the answer?

Mono can run .net languages as well as java, phython, Boo, PHP, javascript and many more . This is the long awaited universe for the software development community. A unified approach that targets different platforms and natives. Can you imagine yourselves speaking french without learning french, thats the MONO approach. We have waited so long for some thing to bring us all together, and here MONO presents itself as an opportunity.

MONO is not really the answer. I my experience of software developments and use of various technologies to solve problems, the real problem we are facing is complexity. I am very sure there is some kinds of complexity behind the use of MONO. What about learning curve, should we throw away our over the years experience in other platforms for another platform. Do we really need an interpreter for all languages? Do we need a language converter instead?

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